Have you already tried to remove fields as described in this article?
I've been using this quite some time now, but I noticed something weird. When you have removed two fields which are on the same line, then you don't want to see this row at all. Well, this doesn't work by default.
By using jscript you'll need to access the table row and hide it. This doesnt work with the style.visibility = 'hidden'. Instead, you should use this line:
crmForm.all.field.parentElement.parentElement.style.display = 'none';
This row should remove the whole line. Yes, thats what it should do. So if it doesn't do that, what does it do? It removes everything except for picklists. You’ll need to hide those manually as described in the
other article:
crmForm.all.picklist_d.style.display = 'none';
It's not business critical, but it does fine-tune your UI when working with advanced UI manipulation.
Good luck!
Robert Amos mailed me his solution. He's hiding complete sections. Here's part of his mail:
I usually pick the first (top left) field in CRM and work on it:
crmForm.all.firstfield_c.parentElement.parentElement. parentElement.style.display = 'none';
That should pick the element containing the entire section and suck it out of the form. So I've been hiding non-relevant sections so the user doesn't get confused. Keeps it clean :)