Javascript Files and Caching
You will notice that the performance of Dynamics CRM can be negatively affected when you have loads of Javascript codes embedded into the form of an entity. It is recommended that you take out the Javascript codes from the form and place them in a separate script file which can then be loaded in the form. This will cause the script to be downloaded only once and therefore improve performance when opening the page again. For some info on how to load javascript files in CRM, look at one of my previous posts.
There is one issue though when doing so. When the file has been changed on the server, it will still be cached on the client's machines. You can force Internet Explorer to check the Javascript file to see if it has been changed. One of my German colleagues (Christian Niss) has learned me that it is possible to modify the iis-cache settings for just the javascript file.
If you switch off "enable content expiration" and add a custom http header for the javascript file only:
Cache-Control: max-age=259200, must-revalidate
It should set client side caching of the file to three days (259200 sec), but each time the script is being used the browser must check if a more recent file is available on the server.

Good luck with caching!